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Showing posts from August 2, 2018

Confirms a Malaysian killed in Kabul

PUTRAJAYA -- The High Commission of Malaysia in New Delhi has confirmed the report regarding the death of a Malaysian who was reportedly killed after being kidnapped in Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday. The Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra)  in a statement today said the High Commission, which is concurrently accredited to Afghanistan, is working with the Afghan authorities to obtain the latest developments and to repatriate the 64-year-old deceased. "The Malaysian individual, who was working in Kabul, was kidnapped along with two other foreign nationals earlier this week. Their bodies were discovered in Mussahi (33km south of Kabul). No groups have claimed responsibility for the incident," it said. It was reported the Malaysian individual with two other foreign nationals - an Indian and a Macedonian citizen, who were working for the world's second largest food and catering services company, Sodexo,  were  abducted and killed by unknown gunmen.

ADUN Setia Setia meninggal dunia

SHAH ALAM -- Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Seri Setia yang juga Anggota Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (Exco) Selangor, Prof Dr Shaharuddin Badaruddin, 55, meninggal dunia di Hospital Putrajaya pukul 6.28 petang tadi.  Setiausaha Kanan Allahyarham, Zafrullah Aris dalam satu kenyataan berkata jenazah Shaharuddin akan dibawa pulang ke rumah keluarganya di Desa Pinggiran Putra, Kajang, dan urusan pengebumian akan dilakukan esok.  Dalam pada itu, Setiausaha Politik kepada Menteri Besar Selangor Borhan Aman Shah berkata jenazah Allahyarham akan disembahyangkan pagi esok di Masjid Kampung Limau Manis, Kajang dan kemudian akan disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Limau Manis.  "Ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham Prof Dr Shaharuddin. Saya berdoa semoga roh Allahyarham dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan golongan hamba Allah yang soleh," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.  Media sebelum ini melaporkan Shaharuddin yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Te

National Land Code must be amended to stop foreigners from owning land

KUALA LUMPUR – The National Land Code must be amended to stop foreigners from owning land in the country, said Water, Land and Natural Resources Minister Dr A. Xavier Jayakumar. Xavier Jayakumar said at present under Section 433B of the Code, the State Authority had the authority and right to give approval to foreigners to own land. “If we want to do something, we have to amend the act. Right now, the act allows them (foreigners) to own land,” he said when winding up the debate on the motion of thanks for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s Royal Address for his ministry in the Dewan Rakyat, Bernama reported. He was replying a question from Hassan Abdul Karim (PH-Pasir Gudang) who asked about the government’s stand in the issue of land ownership by foreigners in the states. Commenting further, Xavier Jayakumar said the Economic Planning Unit had issued guidelines on property procurement and agreed by the National Land Council, effective from March 1, 2014. Meanwhile, Xav

Dalam video itu bukan saya yang menari - Zawawi

SHAH ALAM -- Calon PKR bagi Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Kandis, Mohd Zawawi Ahmad Mughni menyelar tindakan pembangkang yang cuba mengaitkan dirinya dengan rakaman video seorang lelaki menari di khalayak ramai. Mohd Zawawi berkata, penyebaran video itu merupakan tindakan terdesak bertujuan menjejaskan keperibadiannya yang jelas lebih diterima masyarakat dan pengundi Sungai Kandis berbanding calon BN, Datuk Lokman Noor Adam. "Dalam video itu jelas bukan saya yang menari, jadi mengapa kaitkan ia dengan saya, saya harap pengundi di kawasan ini tidak terpengaruh dengan cara kempen seperti ini dan bersama-sama mengamalkan politik matang," katanya dalam sidang akhbar hariannya di sini, hari ini. Beliau berkata demikian bagi menjawab kenyataan Lokman Noor sebelum ini yang mendakwa video tersebut adalah berkaitan perilaku seseorang menyerupai Mohd Zawawi sedang menari, yang rakaman itu dipercayai diambil sewaktu PRK Ijok pada 2007. Sementara

Dewan Rakyat kini boleh bangkit isu RM2.6 billion dan 1MDB

KUALA LUMPUR -- Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat Datuk Mohamad Ariff Yusof hari ini menarik balik keputusan yang tidak membenarkan Anggota Dewan Rakyat menyentuh isu 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan dana RM2.6 billion yang didakwa dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.  Mohamad Ariff berkata beliau telah meneliti keputusan dibuat Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia sebelum ini yang menyatakan isu 1MDB adalah subjudis kerana dalam siasatan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DoJ).  "Saya telah menimbang perkara ini dan mentafsirkan bahawa mahkamah dalam Peraturan Mesyuarat hanya terpakai kepada mahkamah dalam Malaysia dan tidak terpakai kepada mahkamah luar negara," katanya selepas selesai sesi soal jawab lisan di Dewan Rakyat, lapor Bernama.  Beliau membuat keputusan itu sebagai jawapan kepada permohonan Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Mohamed Said (BN-Kuala Krau) pada 25 Julai lepas yang ingin tahu sama ada keputusan dibuat Pandikar Amin

Rugi RM31 ribu ditipu Macau Scam

KUANTAN -- Seorang guru besar sebuah sekolah rendah di Jengka, Maran kerugian  RM31,250 selepas terpedaya dengan panggilan seorang lelaki yang menyamar sebagai pegawai bank dalam kejadian pada Selasa lalu.  Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Pahang Supt Mohd Wazir Mohd Yusof berkata guru wanita berusia 49 tahun itu, mendapat panggilan daripada suspek yang mendakwa mangsa mempunyai tunggakan bayaran kad kredit untuk akaun yang telah dibuka di Tawau, Sabah namun dinafikan oleh mangsa.  "Panggilan mangsa kemudian telah disambungkan pula kepada individu yang menyamar sebagai anggota polis Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Tawau yang mendakwa mangsa pula terlibat dengan kes pengubahan wang haram.  "Susulan itu, mangsa menerima panggilan pula daripada seorang pegawai polis pada hari yang sama yang memaklumkan maklumat peribadi mangsa telah dijual dan satu jumlah wang juga telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun mangsa," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini.  Beliau berk

Dust storm set to hit South Australia

source: (FB: Tim Phillips) CANBERRA -- South Australians with asthma and other health conditions have been advised to stay indoors as a dangerous dust storm bears down on the state. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) warned that strong northerly winds of up to 100 km per hour were expected to South Australia (SA) on Thursday night and continue throughout Friday, reported Xinhua. The BOM warned that the winds would pick up large amounts of dust following the driest July in SA since 1999. It has been compared to a freak thunderstorm asthma event that swept across Victoria in 2016, killing 10 people. SA Health advised people with breathing or heart conditions to stay indoors during the event. "If there is an associated dust storm with these winds, people with pre-existing illnesses such as asthma and respiratory problems may have their symptoms aggravated," chief medical officer Paddy Phillips told reporters on Thursday. "We advise th

Malaysia destinasi pilihan utama tenaga kerja Nepal

KUALA LUMPUR -- Meskipun berdepan kemelut penipuan membabitkan pekerja migran Nepal baru-baru ini, kerajaan Nepal bersedia meneruskan perbincangan berhubung perjanjian pengambilan, penggajian dan penghantaran pulang pekerja dengan Malaysia, selain melindungi kebajikan serta hak-hak pekerjanya di sini.  Kuasa Usaha Nepal di Malaysia, Kumar Raj Kharel, berkata perjanjian itu akan memberi panduan lanjut yang lebih jelas dalam mengatur pengambilan, penggajian dan penghantaran pulang pekerja Nepal.  "Kami berharap ia (MoU) boleh menjadi satu alat bagi melindungi hak-hak pekerja kami," kata beliau kepada Bernama dalam satu temu bual di sini pada Khamis.  Pusingan pertama perbincangan berhubung kerjasama buruh antara Nepal dan Malaysia telah berlangsung di Kathmandu pada 20 dan 21 Feb 2017.  Kumar Raj berkata MoU tersebut tidak dipersetujui ketika itu kerana Malaysia mempunyai keraguan termasuk berkaitan kos penghantaran pulang, siapa yang patut bertanggungjawab membiay

Judge Mohd Nazlan to hear Najib's case

KUALA LUMPUR – Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali will be the High Court judge to hear the case of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who has been charged with criminal breach of trust (CBT) and abuse of power involving RM42 million of SRC International Sdn Bhd funds. According to the Criminal High Court 3 cause list, Mohd Nazlan will hear Najib's case which has been fixed for Aug 8 at 9 am. Bernama report, Mohd Nazlan, 51, from the New Commercial Court 1 replaces judge Datuk Mohd Sofian Abd Razak who had recorded Najib's plea. Mohd Sofian has been transferred to Civil Court 10. The transfers took effect on Aug 1 and the transfer letters were signed by Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Zaharah Ibrahim on July 24. The case management as well as hearing of an application by the defence for a gag order to prohibit the media from publishing polemics on the merit of the charges faced by Najib have been fixed for Aug 8. On July 4, Najib, 65, pleaded not guilty

Selangor plans to increase minimum age for marriage from 16 to 18

SHAH ALAM -- Selangor plans to amend the Islamic Family Law (State of Selangor) Enactment 2003 pertaining to the minimum age for marriage for Muslim women in the state and increase it from 16 to 18. Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) chairman Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi said the plan was made after child marriage was reported to have become rampant of late, including the marriage between an 11-year-old Thai girl with a 41-year-old local man in southern Thailand which sparked widespread outcry recently. He said MAIS, with cooperation from the state’s Syariah Judiciary Department (JAKESS) and Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) had held in-depth discussion with experts from various departments or government agencies, especially medical experts, academicians and non-governmental organisations, on July 19 and 20 to find solution to the problem. “As a result, a consensus was reached to propose an amendment to the Islamic Family Law (State of Selangor) Enactment 2003, spe

No reneged on pledge to increase royalty

KUCHING – Sarawak PKR vice chairman See Chee How said Pakatan Harapan has not reneged on its electoral pledge "to increase petroleum royalty to Sarawak and Sabah to 20 percent or equivalent". He said the PH government has now taken the first step to deliver the promise, adding that he was happy for that. "For that I thank Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's leadership and Datuk Seri Azmin Ali who has been tasked and is setting in motion the necessary acts to realise the delivery of this momentous promise," said See at a press conference. See said the criticisms and negative comments of politicians from the opposite camps were normal, adding "we must learn to take them in our stride." "What matters is what we can deliver to fulfil the hope of all Sarawakians fo the betterment of Sarawak," he said. He said for the first time in 43 years since 1976, the PH federal government was taking  steps to deliver more than the five p

Bumiputera equity holdings in strategic companies are protected

KUALA LUMPUR -- Khazanah Nasional Bhd's new management will ensure the strategic investment fund's Bumiputera equity holdings in strategic companies are protected and expanded through government engagement, said Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali. Its equity holdings had been diluted of late, resulting in a reduction in Khazanah's stakes in strategic firms, including utilities such as Tenaga Nasional Bhd and Telekom Malay sia Bhd, he said when winding up the debate on the motion of thanks for the Yang diPertuan Agong's Royal Address on his ministry's behalf in the Dewan Rakyat. Azmin, who was recently appointed as a Khazanah Director, said the policy to empower Bumiputeras would be continued and strengthened in view of the low equity ownership level based on the socio-economic indicators, with equity ownership in the corporate sector still below 30 per cent. He said this was in line with the original aim for setting up Khazanah,

PH administrative and party should changes their approaches and mentality

SEREMBAN -- Media practitioners and the ruling government should complement each other and there should be no prejudicial concerns implying that the media members are pro-opposition, a political analyst said. Associate Professor Mohd Izani Mohd Zain from the Faculty of Human Ecology of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) believes that most media practitioners today are serving the current government administered by Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition comprising Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu). This is due to the importance of the role of the media not only in reporting on the program implemented by the government but also the parties’ activities, he said. His view was sought due to the trouble faced by the media practitioners in the state while reporting on the nomination process of the state PKR leadership election, recently. This situation has caused dissatisfaction among media members as PKR, currently th

No plans to change the uniforms of air stewardess

KUALA LUMPUR – The uniforms of air steward and stewardess or flight attendants of airline companies in the country should be in compliance with the criteria stipulated by the aviation authority, said Transport Minister Anthony Loke. He said it also depended on the policy of the airline companies concerned where they were also required to comply with the stipulated safety standards, including during emergency. He said this when winding up the debate on the motion of thanks for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s speech on behalf of the ministry in the Dewan Rakyat, Bernama reported. To a question by Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff (PAS-Rantau Panjang), who intevened, Loke said the ministry had no plans to change the existing rules on uniforms for air stewardess. Responding to a suggestion by Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi (PAS-Tumpat) that the uniform of the stewardess of a certain airline was sexy, Loke said it was a subjective matter. “The matter is subjective...if it is sexy, don’t look a