KUALA LUMPUR -- PKR president-elect Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim warned of the existence of a so-called super liberal group in the country which he said strongly expressed its demands and pushed for their implementation. Without making any specific reference, he said the people of this super liberal group also denounced the views of those opposed to it. “When we criticise them, we are attacked as if this country belongs to them. I tell them that we represent the majority in the country and we argue that in this country we are also entitled to voice our views. “They think that we must accept their views. If I touch a little on Islam and the Malays, they will raise an argument. I want to tell them that we do not want the tyranny of the majority and that we also reject the tyranny of the minority,” he said when delivering a talk on the ‘Syarahan Negarawan 2018’ lecture programme here. He said the group recently criticised his move to contest the Port Dickson parliam...