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Showing posts from August 9, 2018

I dont want this dewan to be a circus - Sultan of Johor

JOHOR BAHRU – Johore State Assemblyman were reminded that they must  observe etiquette and rules during State Assembly proceedings. The Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar in stressing the importance of acting with decorum during sittings, added that every assemblyman should listen to the opinions of others. They should not reject such views just because they were not in line with an assemblyman’s political beliefs or interests, he added. "I do not want this ‘dewan’ (the Johore State Assembly) to be a 'circus'. I hope the Speaker will carry out his duties effectively to ensure the proceedings are orderly and conform to rules. "If there are members of the house who violate rules, then instruct them to leave" he said during  the Opening of the first term of first session of the 14th Johor State Assembly at the Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim here. Also present were Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris Iskandar Sultan Ibrahim and T

Voters are more focused on good governance an transparency

KUALA LUMPUR -- The trend of getting the support of the younger generation by sensationalising religious and racial issues is losing its draw, the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, said. He said voters now placed more importance on good governance and there was a deficit of confidence due to the factors of corruption and abuse of power. Sultan Nazrin Shah said voters also wanted governance which was anchored on laws and not on the charisma of an individual. “The government which has been given the mandate to rule must read the sentiments of the voters accurately. Political parties which want to continue to exist must use the sentiments of the voters as a guide. “The voters are more focused on good governance and transparency and less on sensational issues about religion and race, opening the opportunity for a political culture based on a common denominator,” he said, Bernama reported. Sultan Nazrin Shah was speaking at the launch of the book ‘Reflections on

Guan Eng pertahan kenyataan wang tuntutan GST 'dirompak'

KUALA LUMPUR -- Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng mempertahankan  kenyataannya berhubung RM18 bilion wang tuntutan cukai input bagi Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) yang sepatutnya dibayar balik kepada peniaga telah ‘dirompak’ kerajaan terdahulu. Beliau kekal bertegas mengenai meskipun diasak beberapa Anggota Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) termasuk Tan Sri Noh Omar (Tanjong Karang); Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin (Larut), Khairy Jamaluddin (Rembau) dan Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong (Ayer Hitam) yang memintanya menarik perkataan 'rompak' memandangkan siasatan masih berjalan. Lim ketika menggulung Rang Undang-Undang Kastam (Pindaan) 2018 berkata satu siasatan terbuka mengenai perkara itu dengan dipimpin oleh individu luar yang bebas dan berpengalaman bakal disyor kepada Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selepas selesai siasatan dalaman. Katanya Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Bakar dilantik mengetuai siasatan dalaman itu. "Ini supaya rakyat bol

Kelompok LBGT diminta hormati hak majoriti

PUTRAJAYA — Golongan Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) diingatkan untuk menghormati sensitiviti dan hak kelompok majoriti masyarakat di negara ini, kata Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Fuziah Salleh. Beliau berkata adalah penting untuk kerajaan hari ini melindungi sensitiviti dan suara majoriti berhubung  isu tersebut terutamanya para ibu bapa yang risau anak mereka akan terpengaruh dengan gaya hidup sebegitu sekiranya ia dipromosikan secara umum. “​Apabila golongan LGBT bercakap mengenai hak asasi manusia, kita menghormati hak mereka, tetapi dalam masyarakat ada banyak kelompok lain yang turut mempunyai hak… majoriti masyarakat di negara ini tidak mahu budaya tersebut dipromosikan secara umum," katanya, alpor Bernama.. Fuziah berkata demikian ketika mengulas arahan penurunan dua potret aktivis LGBT pada pameran fotografi ‘Stripes and Strokes’ bersempena Festival Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. “Apabila kita suruh turunkan (potret aktivis) bukan berm

Tolak beri pengiktirafan kepada komunis

IPOH – Kerajaan wajib menolak cadangan pihak tertentu supaya mengkaji semula buku teks sejarah bagi mengiktiraf peranan komunis dalam perjuangan mencapai kemerdekaan negara kerana langkah itu akan menafikan sumbangan ulama, rakyat dan perajurit mempertahankan tanah air, kata Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria. Beliau berkata mengiktiraf komunis adalah seperti menggalakkan kezaliman dan fahaman ekstrem dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia. “Adalah tidak perlu memperkenalkan komunis kepada generasi akan datang sebaliknya memperkenalkan sumbangan alim ulama dan pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan untuk memupuk nilai kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara yang merupakan salah satu Rukun Negara. “Pelajar-pelajar sekolah perlu disemai nilai-nilai murni yang holistik bukannya mendedahkan mereka kepada keganasan dan kezaliman,” katanya, lapor Bernama. Beliau berkata negara turut terhutang budi dengan alim ulama bagi sumbangan mereka dalam menggerakkan semangat patriotik dalam kalangan

Irwan denied allegation GST refunds gone missing

PUTRAJAYA -- Former Treasury secretary-general Tan Sri Dr Mohd Irwan Serigar  Abdullah  denied an allegation that about RM18 billion meant for Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds had gone missing. He explained that all GST proceeds were placed in the Consolidated Fund before being channelled to the trust fund to repay GST claims based on the request of the Royal Customs Department. The procedure was provided for in the Financial Procedure Act 1957 and the information was available from the Accountant-General’s Department and Fiscal Division of the Finance Ministry. “At the federal government cash flow management monthly meeting, the Customs (Department) will present the need for refunds and outstanding amounts due. “Based on the (Customs’) need and the government revenue position, the meeting will decide on the allocation to be made to the trust fund,” he said when approached by reporters here.

SOP to ensure the safety of Malaysian athletes in the Asia Games 2018

KUALA LUMPUR -- A standard operating procedure (SOP) has been drawn up to ensure the safety of Malaysian athletes participating in the Asian Games scheduled for Aug 18 to Sept 2 in Indonesia, the Dewan Rakyat was told. Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said the SOP was prepared following meetings that the ministry had had with the National Sports Council and the Royal Malaysia Police. Malaysia is sending 426 athletes to compete in 35 sports, as well as 190 officials, to the biggest sports meet of Asia that will be held in Jakarta and Palembang, Sumatra. Bernama reported, Syed Saddiq said a one-stop centre would be set up at the venue of the games in collaboration with the security coordinating officer provided by the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta and there would be close cooperation with the contingent secretariat on safety. “The ministry stand in addressing possible fan provocations that can tarnish the image of the country in the context of sports is

Malaysia was lagging behind in terms of defence assets

KUALA LUMPUR – Efforts will be made by the Defence Ministry to strengthen the country’s defence with sophisticated assets, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and maritime surveillance aircraft' (MSA), said its minister,  Mohamad Sabu. He said currently Malaysia was lagging behind in terms of its defence assets, compared with other countries in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Indonesia. In the 70s, he said, Malaysia was among the leading countries. "But, I’ll work hard to make Malaysia great again,” he said during the Ministers’ Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat. He was responding to a supplementary question from Datuk Danyal Balagopal Abdullah (PH-Port Dickson) on problems pertaining to acquisition of military assets by the ministry. Mohamad said the financial constraints facing the ministry also affected maintenance of assets, including fighter jets, by the Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF). "I don’t want to blame the previous government because it

Speaker reminded MPs not to use offensive language

KUALA LUMPUR – Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof reminded all MPs to maintain decorum and not use offensive language in the House. He said stern action could be taken against offenders under Standing Orders 44(2), including sending them out of the House for a period. “If such (offensive) words are mentioned in the House, I will not hesitate to take action,” he said after the conclusion of the session for oral questions. Mohamad Ariff referred to the offensive language used by Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) during an argument with Willie Mongin (PH-Puncak Borneo) and Su Keong Siong (PH-Kampar) on Tuesday. He said that if Bung Moktar repeated the offence, he would be removed from the House immediately for a period as provided for in Standing Orders 44. Expressing disappointment over the incident, he said other MPs had also been disrespectful in the past, which tarnished the image of the Dewan Rakyat. Mohamad Ariff said Standing Orders 36(4

Call for immediate investigation into GST refund theft allegations

KUALA LUMPUR -- Former International Trade and Industry Minister and Member of Parliament for Jeli, Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamad, urged the government to immediately investigate Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s allegations that the previous Barisan Nasional-led (BN) government had stolen RM19.4 billion of Goods and Services Tax refunds. He said Lim’s claims were serious as it not only impugned the image of BN but also civil servants in the Finance Ministry and the Royal Malaysian Customs Department. “These allegations are very serious as it meant the misuse of power and misappropriations were planned. “The image of both the previous government and civil servants are tarnished. In my opinion, an in-depth investigation must be carried out immediately and completed within one week,” he said in a statement, Bernama report. Mustapa said the results of the investigations should be made public as befits a responsible government. “In the spirit of transparency and reformation promis

Her services is without any charge to the taxpayer - AG

KUALA LUMPUR – Attorney-General Tommy Thomas defended his decision in appointing a lawyer from his former law firm to represent the Government of Malaysia and 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) in the claims over the superyacht  Equanimity . Saying that Sitpah Selvaratnam had vast experience and knowledge in the law of shipping, he said in a media statement that the decision to appoint Sitpah “is his, and his alone, because he has trust and confidence in her ability and integrity”. “ Ms Selvaratnam ... will not be paid any fees. Her services are rendered to us without any charge to the taxpayer,” Thomas said in clarifying a media report on why he had appointed a lawyer from his former legal firm on Aug 6 to represent Malaysia and 1MDB in the superyacht case at the Kuala Lumpur High Court. “Last weekend, both Ms Selvaratnam and  Mr Jeremy Joseph were approached by foreign parties to act for them in this matter, and they declined. “The real test of Ms Selvaratnam’s experience a

Jailed for kissing nine years old girl

PUTRAJAYA -- An Indonesian worker was sentenced to eight months’ jail by the Special Court for Sexual Crimes against Children here Wednesday for kissing a nine-year-old girl on the forehead and lips. Zulham Syahputra, 26, pleaded guilty to committing physical sexual assault on the girl by kissing her on the forehead and lips with sexual intention inside the toilet of a restaurant in Glenmarie, Shah Alam, Selangor, on June 19. Judge Yong Zarida Sazali ordered the man to serve the jail sentence from the day of his arrest on June 20. According to the facts of the case, the girl had informed her mother about the incident which took place when she went to the toilet at the restaurant to wash her hands. Zulham, who worked at the restaurant since August last year appealed for a light sentence as he had to support his family in Indonesia. However, deputy public prosecutor Nordalina Ali requested the court to impose an appropriate sentence as a lesson to the accused.

More jobs for the skills disable

KUALA LUMPUR -- The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry is asking more employers to provide jobs to the disabled so as to recognise their capabilities in society. Its deputy minister, Hannah Yeoh, said that many CSR programmes were organised for the disabled  but they were “one-off” projects and were not followed through over the years. "Cooperation between NGOs and organisations is crucial in ensuring that disabled people are recognised not only for their capabilities in the work environment, but also to build and restore their confidence in society. “If employers or organisations are keen to engage or continue their initiatives with the disabled in the job sector, we (the ministry) are ready to give them advice,” she told reporters after opening the ‘Starbucks Signing Store's Second Anniversary’. As of June 30, she said a total of 474,579 disabled people were registered with the Social Welfare Department under the ministry. Of the total, Yeoh said

I'm responsible for what I say - Mujahid

KUALA LUMPUR -- Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa has stressed that there is strong evidence to back his claims that RM7.43 million of the RM7.6 million expenses and payments made by the Islamic Strategic Research Institute Malaysia (Iksim) could not be accounted for. He said this was the outcome of the internal audit done on the institution. “I will not expose it unless I have evidence. When we expose someone, of course he will not admit (his wrongdoing). Leave it to the authorities...I'm responsible for what I say," he told reporters at the lobby of the Parliament. Mujahid was commenting on a statement by IKSIM yesterday that his claims were slanderous and based on the findings of an audit team from the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) which was not an accredited auditing body. When winding up the debate on the motion of thanks for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for his ministry at the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, M

Hentikan diskriminasi ke atas wanita Islam berpakaian patuh syariah

KUALA LUMPUR, -- Golongan profesional dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) berpendapat sudah tiba masanya kod etika pemakaian patuh syariah diamalkan dalam sektor swasta bagi mengelak diskriminasi ke atas wanita Islam. Menurut mereka jika kerajaan campur tangan sudah pasti pihak majikan menghormati hak muslimah yang bekerja di sektor swasta  dan nasib mereka terbela apabila berpakaian mengikut syariah. Presiden Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia (MACMA), Prof Dr Taufiq Yup Yun Hin berkata hak berpakaian wanita Muslim perlu dilaksanakan segera oleh semua pihak berkaitan memandangkan isu ini sudah lama dinafikan. “Kami juga menyarankan agar bagi kerjaya yang perlu berpakaian khas seperti jururawat, tentera dan sebagainya, pakaiannya haruslah sesuai dengan mereka yang menutup aurat ," katanya, lapor Bernama. Beliau mengulas kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa yang mengumumkan kerajaan sedang mengambil inisiatif melaksanakan kod etika  berpakai

Kapten Equanimity gembira dapat balik ke perairan Malaysia

PELABUHAN KLANG, -- Kapten kapal layar mewah Equanimity, Oystein Senneseth berkata beliau dan 17 anak kapal yang lain gembira dapat membawa balik kapal itu ke perairan Malaysia. Katanya  kesemua mereka berada dalam keadaan baik serta bebas bergerak ke mana sahaja dan akan melakukan segala yang perlu untuk memastikan kapal itu sentiasa dalam keadaan baik. “Kru kapal gembira dapat bawa balik Equanimity ke sini dan mereka sekarang lebih tenang. “Pada awalnya masing-masing agak bimbang kerana ini situasi yang baharu dengan senjata api dan anggota polis berada di atas kapal… tetapi sekarang mereka lebih relaks,” katanya hari ini ketika ditemui  pemberita di Terminal Boustead Cruise Centre di sini, di mana kapal itu sedang berlabuh sekarang. Beliau turut berterima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa Malaysia yang memberikan segala bantuan yang perlu kepada mereka selama ini.           Kapal layar yang dianggar bernilai  RM1 bilion itu tiba di pusat tersebut semalam dan dipercayai antar

41,815 welfare aids recipients has been terminated

KUALA LUMPUR – The Social Welfare Department has terminated aid to 41,815 recipients between January and Jun this year, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. The decision was made based on several factors such as death (11,874 cases), switching to another aid scheme (4,242), not meeting the criteria (4,090), and moving away from the district (3,132), said Wan Azizah who is also the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development. In another 2,635 cases, aid was stopped to the recipients who were deemed capable of supporting themselves, while 22 cases were referred to other agencies and in 15,820 cases, there were other deciding factors such as recovery from ailments and having a source of income. “In each case, the client would be informed in a letter generated by the e-Bantuan system. Members of the public can also check online the status of their application for aid through the e-Bantuan system,” she said. Dr Wan Azizah was replying to a ques

A manager will be appoints to manage Equanimity

PORT KLANG -- Lawyer Jeremy Joseph who is representing 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) said a qualified and a competent ship manager will be appointed in due course to manage the luxury superyacht Equanimity throughout its seizure period at Port Klang. He said a security manager was needed to take care the needs of the captain and the 17 crew members of the vessel, which arrived here on Tuesday. “What is important now is to make sure we appoint a qualified and competent ship manager (company) to manage the vessel during the arrest period. “We also want to ensure that security is tight for the vessel throughout its berth at the Boustead Cruise Centre terminal,” he told reporters after attending a two-hour long meeting with representatives from police force and Malaysian navy at the centre. The yacht, reportedly worth RM1 billion, arrived at the centre yesterday and is believed to be part of the assets purchased using funds from 1MDB. Its purported owner, businessman Lo

Septuagenarian rescued from cruel couple

BUKIT MERTAJAM -- Police have rescued a visually impaired 79-year-old woman following a report lodged by a non-governmental organisation chairman that the septuagenarian had been physically abused. Seberang Perai Tengah district police chief ACP Nik Ros Azhan Nik Abdul Hamid said the woman was initially found drenched by the leader at the back of a house, where she had been staying with a couple, in Seberang Jaya. “According to the chairman, he went to the house at 11.45 am yesterday after receiving information that the victim was often beaten by the couple, who is also the house owner. “When he got there, the woman claimed him that she was splashed with water by the male owner (who is also her nephew) and that she was told to sit there. In fact, she told that she was always frequently beaten by the couple and their children,” he said, Bernama reported. Nik Ros Azhan said acting on the report, a team of policemen went to the house the same day and rescued the victim before 

The GST is finally dead - Guan Eng

KUALA LUMPUR-- The Dewan Rakyat approved the abolition of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduced three years ago. The Goods and Services Tax (Repeal) Bill 2018 was passed by a voice vote after being read for the third time by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng. When reading the bill for the third time, Lim said in jest that “the GST is finally dead”. Earlier, when winding up the debate on the bill, Lim said the Sales and Service Tax (SST), to be reintroduced next month, would be easier and would help reduce the cost of living compared to the GST which was charged at various levels. The GST collection of 470,000 traders amounted to RM44 billion in comparison to the RM21 billion revenue earned through SST from 70,000 traders, he said. "It is clear that the tax administration and tax compliance costs will be much easier and more efficient for traders who directly contribute to the welfare of the people," he said. The six per cent GST in Malaysia was introduced on

Strict fiscal discipline to tackle govt debts - Finance Minister

LUALA LUMPUR, -- Strict compliance with fiscal discipline as well as better debt management will continue to be given emphasis to tackle the federal debt of over RM1 trillion, said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng. He said good debt management would be maintained to ensure the fiscal position and macroeconomy remained strong for managing any crisis. “Fiscal accountability will reassure investors and the capital market that the government still has flexibility in fiscal and monetary policies,” he explained. He was responding to an oral question from Selayang Member of Parliament (MP) William Leong Jee Keen in the Dewan Rakyat regarding measures planned to tackle the nation's debt and liabilities. Bernama report, Lim said several measures were being implemented to ensure the Federal debt level was kept under control and sorted out. Among others, the government is reviewing existing projects that are costly, whereby the total costs are being studied to avoid being charged